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Code of Ethics

Adopted at 2022 Annual General Meeting

This policy is consistent with the policy implemented by Industry Canada and the use of a similar compatible policy for your licensed Private Investigation Agency, adherence to the AAPI code of ethics and membership in the AAPI conveys “investigative body status” under PIPEDA to your investigative agency.


You are welcome to take a copy of this policy and adapt it to your own corporate requirements.


Part I – Interpretation and Definition

  1. No part of this document shall supersede the Security Services and Investigators Act (SSIA) of Alberta or its regulations and guidelines.
  2. For the purposes of this document, a Member is:
    1. A licensed private investigator, or
    2. An organization licensed to engage in the business of providing private investigators.
    3. The Alberta Association of Private Investigators (AAPI)

Part II – Objectives of the Code of Ethics

  1. The objectives of Code of Ethics are:
    1. To ensuring a high standard quality of investigative services provided by the Members of the AAPI to the public;
    2. To maintain courteous and professional conduct among Members of the AAPI;
    3. To support a positive attitude toward the investigative profession by:
      1. Regulatory Bodies
      2. Law Enforcement Agencies
      3. Service Providers
      4. Clients
      5. The General Public

 Part III – General Standards of Conduct

  1. Reputation of the Profession
    1. Members will conduct themselves in a professional manner in accordance with the ethics and integrity demanded by the industry.
    2. Members will ensure that their reputation, that of fellow members, the AAPI, and the investigative profession as a whole is maintained.
    3. Members will not engage in any investigative activity for which they are not competent and qualified.

Part IV – Compliance with the Code of Ethics

  1. Members shall at all times adhere to this Code of Ethics and the Privacy Code.
  2. Integrity and Due Care:
    1. Members will conduct due diligence to ensure that the identity of a client is verified and that the client has a lawful purpose to retain and instruct the investigator.
    2. Members will ensure that all employees, subcontractors, and other persons paid to assist in an investigation adhere to this Code of Ethics and the Privacy Code.
  3. Confidentiality of Information:
    1. Members will respect the privacy of clients and their right to confidentiality.
    2. Members will conduct investigations in a manner consistent with the Privacy Code
    3. Members will ensure adequate security for personal information collected in the course of an investigation, and will take all reasonable steps to protect against inadvertent or negligent disclosure
    4. No Member shall use information obtained during an investigation for personal gain.
  4. Fees or Remuneration
    1. Membership fees will be paid in full when due. Failure to renew membership may result in the removal of the member from the Association.
  5. Advertising
    1. No Member will at any time make false or misleading claims to academic or professional qualifications.

Part V – Relations with Fellow Members

  1. Courtesy and Consideration:
    1. Members will work together towards the achievement of the objectives of the AAPI
    2. Members are encouraged to employ the services of fellow Members when an investigation may warrant.
    3. Members will not take advantage of referrals by fellow members in order to interfere with the referee’s business relationships.
    4. Members shall not make false or misleading statements regarding a fellow Member

Part VI – Conduct of a Professional Practice

  1. Disclosure of Conflicts:
    1. Members shall, at the first opportunity, disclose to a client any influence, interest or relationship, pertaining to an investigative engagement, which, in the judgment of a reasonable person may impair the Member’s professional judgment or objectivity
  2. Terms of Engagement:
    1. Members shall ensure that, prior to accepting an engagement, the objectives of the client are fully understood and that the client has been informed of anticipated costs and the time required to complete an assignment
  3. Unqualified Opinions:
    1. Members shall not provide opinions for which they are not professionally qualified.
  4. Reports
    1. Reports to clients shall be complete, objective and unbiased. Reports should not provide opinions without a factual foundation.
    2. Members shall be forthcoming, truthful, and professional in disclosing investigative findings

Part VII – The Ethics Committee

  1. Jurisdiction – the Ethics Committee may:
    1. Serve as a mediator in minor disputes between Members
    2. Investigate ethical violations and accusations, and
    3. Resolve matters or recommend action to the Disciplinary Committee
  2. Composition – of the Ethics Committee
    1. The Ethics Committee will be composed of three elected members in good standing of AAPI, including the serving President.
    2. If the matter under investigation involves a member of the Committee, then the remaining members will appoint an AAPI member in good standing to temporarily replace that individual.
    3. Membership on the Ethics Committee will be rotated annually. The Committee shall be selected at the AGM of the AAPI. Every Member in good standing shall be eligible to serve.

Part VIII – Disciplinary Procedure

  1. Violation of By-Laws, Code of Ethics, Privacy Code, or Practice Standards
    1. A matter reviewed by the Ethics Committee may result in sanctions as follows:
      1. A written warning
      2. Probation of membership in the AAPI
      3. Suspension of membership in the AAPI
      4. Expulsion of membership in the AAPI
      5. The Ethics Committee may, at its sole discretion, notify criminal or civil authorities, provincial or federal regulators